My Guice Integration Adventures: Building a Server from scratch with Netty

Intro & Motivation

I came to this also by the Android MOOC offered by Coursera last year, and I found this framework really useful for building event-driven application servers.

In previous posts I talked about Node.js and it’s ease of use when developing web applications. Node.js is also event-driven and it counts with a lot of features and today it counts with very wide community. It has been a great experience to work with Node.js.

Netty Rulez Too

Netty Logo

Back in the Java world, Netty tries to achieve Rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients, so I wanted to give it a try with my favorite DI framework. The server was drastically more lightweight and feature specific, but I didn’t have Servlet support. This is going to be a next step for sure if you want to fully migrate your webapp from your previous Java Application Server.

I made a very simple Java project with Guice and Netty, a Non-Blocking Event-Driven Server with Dependency Injection integrated.

Project and Code

The example application is in my github repo: guice-netty-bootstrap